Treatment of hepatic cavernous hemangioma : a report of 47 cases 肝血管瘤的治疗附47例报告
Interventional treatment with copper needle on cavernous hemangioma at function site by different means 不同方式铜针介入术治疗功能部位海绵状血管瘤
Purely spinal epidural cavernous hemangioma is a rare benign tumor composed of sinusoid vascular channels 除非发生出血现象或侵犯到脑干部位较易生成神经学症状。
We present two cases of eyelid cavernous hemangioma with different and unique clinical manifestation 我们报告两例眼睑的海绵窦血管瘤,它们具有不同的和独特的临床表徵。
Before and during the endovascular operation , all the cases were diagnosed as follows : arteriovenous fistula in 23 cases , cirsoid angioma 32 and cavernous hemangioma 28 本组病例术前或术中分别诊断为:动静脉瘘23例,蔓状血管瘤32例,海绵状血管瘤28例。
Cavernous hemangiomas may affect the central nervous system , usually asymptomatic and involving the cerebral hemispheres but it may become symptomatic when bleeds or occurs in the brain stem 摘要海绵状血管瘤可能发生于中枢神经系统,临床上通常没有任何症状。